Home > Using the card > Renew, replace, transfer or cancel your Companion Card

Renew, replace, transfer or cancel your Companion Card

This page has information about replacing, renewing and cancelling your Northern Territory (NT) Companion Card, as well as transferring your card interstate or changing your details.

For information related to other state and territory companion cards, please go to that state or territory website link which can be found on the Department of Social Services website by clicking here.

Replace your card

If your card is lost, stolen or damaged, you can request a replacement.

You can also update your photograph or replace your card if you have changed your name.

To ask for a replacement, contact the Northern Territory Companion Card scheme by calling 08 8948 5400 or email info@ntcompanioncard.org.au.

Change your contact details

You can update your address details or phone number by calling 08 8948 5400 or email info@ntcompanioncard.org.au.

Transfer your card to another state or territory

You can transfer your Companion Card to another state or territory.

Step 1. Fill in the transfer form. You should contact your disability coordinator for help. You only need to fill in section 1.

Step 2. Get two colour, passport-sized photographs of yourself. These must be signed on the back by the same person who completes section three of the Companion Card application.

Step 3. Post your application form and photographs to:

NT Companion Card Program
Integrated disAbility Action
PO Box 645, Nightcliff NT 0814

Section 2 will be filled in by the Companion Card program in the state or territory where you current card was issued.

Cancel a card

If your circumstances change and you are no longer eligible, you can cancel your card by calling 08 8948 5400 or email info@ntcompanioncard.org.au.

Renew your card

Your card is valid for five years. The card expiry date is printed on the front of the card.

You will receive a letter before the expiry date telling you how to renew your card.

To renew your card, you will need to confirm your ongoing need for the Companion Card and provide new photographs.

Step 1. Complete the renewal form using the online form below. Otherwise, you can download a renewal application here: download Renewal Application Form.

Step 2. You will need two passport sized photographs to upload into the online form below.

Have your health professional/ disability service provider sign the form and both photographs to verify your continued eligibility for the Companion Card.

If filling in a downloaded form, attach these to your paper application. Do not use tape, staples, glue or pins to attach your photographs.

The photographs must be a full front view of your head and shoulders only. Photographs must be no more than six months old. 

Write your name on the reverse of both photographs and have them signed by the professional who signed Section Four of your form.

Step 3. Complete and sign the online form, upload the attachments, and click the “Submit” button.

If mailing in a paper form, include the photos with the completed paper form and mail it to:

NT Companion Card, Integrated disAbility Action inc.,
PO Box 645

or email it to info@ntcompanioncard.org.au

Please note: Incomplete renewal applications cannot be processed.
Electronic applications must have front and reverse of photo scanned at an acceptable quality and file type eg. jpeg.
Please allow 10 working days for processing.

NT Companion Card Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for a Northern Territory (NT) Companion Card a person must: 
1. be living in the NT; and 
2. have a permanent disability; and 
3. be unable to participate in community activities and/or events without attendant care support because of the impact of their disability; and 
4. need, or be likely to need, life-long attendant care support. 
A NT Companion Card will only be issued if you meet ALL the eligibility criteria for the program. 

For further information or assistance please telephone (08) 8948 5400 or email info@ntcompanioncard.org.au 

Cardholder Terms and Conditions

1. The Northern Territory (NT) Companion Card must only be used when the cardholder requires the assistance of a companion to participate in a particular activity and/or event. 

2. Only the person whose photograph and details appear on the NT Companion Card can use the card. 

3. Cardholders must inform the venue/activity operator of their requirement for a companion ticket at the time they book or purchase their own ticket. 

4. Cardholders must provide their NT Companion Card details when making telephone bookings, and must present their valid card during ticket collection, and at any time when asked during the activity. If cardholders cannot present their card, they may be charged for the companion ticket. 

5. The minimum expectation of NT Companion Card affiliates is that they will issue cardholders, who require assistance to participate, with one ticket or admission at no charge. This ticket will be exempt from all booking fees. 

6. Affiliated venues/activities must ensure cardholders are able to be located physically close to their companions. Cardholders with specific seating requirements must inform the venue/activity operator at the time of booking. 

7. Companion tickets cannot be used without the cardholder being present. 

8. Acceptance of the NT Companion Card does not indicate that a venue/activity is accessible. Cardholders are advised to check accessibility with the venue/activity operator before booking tickets. 

9. Where a cardholder has a requirement for more than one companion, the cardholder must negotiate this with the venue/activity operator at the time of booking. 

10. The NT Companion Card can be used in conjunction with any recognised concession cards. 

11. The success of the NT Companion Card depends on responsible use by cardholders. Attempted misuse may result in cancellation of the card. 

12. Information provided to NT Companion Card will be handled in accordance with the Information Act. It will not be shared, used or disclosed to anyone who is not involved in the administration or implementation of the program. 

13. An applicant accepts the NT Companion Cardholder Terms and Conditions when they submit a NT Companion Card Application Form. 


The information on this form will be recorded and used to assess your application for a Companion Card. Personal information disclosed to Integrated Disability Action inc must be used, disclosed, recorded, and secured subject to the Information Act. 

NT Companion Card Renewal Form

Step 1

Obtain two current, identical, colour passport-quality photographs (refer to guidelines above).
Write your name on the back of both photographs.
Ask your health professional or disability service provider to sign the photographs and complete their part of this form.
Upload the signed photographs at the end of this form.

Confirm your cardholder details

Date of Birth(Required)
Residential Address(Required)
Postal Address (if different from residential)(Required)
We now offer a digital version of the NT Companion Card. This can be used with Apple Pay and Google Pay digital wallets. Would you also like a digital version of your card?

Cardholder or decision maker declaration and authorisation

I confirm that my signature below verifies that:
✓ I am a resident living in the Northern Territory;
✓ I have a permanent disability and I will always require (or am always likely to require) attendant care support to participate at most activities and events in the community;
✓ I consent to Integrated disAbility Action contacting me (or my authorised contact persons) and my supporting health professionals/disability service provider to verify the information provided on my renewal application, or to obtain further information regarding my eligibility;
✓ I agree that health professionals or service providers may disclose information about me to the Companion Card program to assist with the assessment of my application;
✓ I will advise the Companion Card program of any changes in my circumstances that may affect my eligibility to hold a card;
✓ I certify that the information in this application is correct; and I understand and accept the Cardholder Terms and Conditions; and
✓ I understand it is an offence to provide any false information in this application.
Date of signature
Formal/informal decision maker (for a cardholder under 18 years of age or unable to sign):
Title and Full Name
Date of signature
Max. file size: 256 MB.

Step 2 - Health professional or disability service provider to complete below and sign back of photographs

Only sign this form if you are able to verify the cardholder continues to need attendant care support that is lifelong or likely to be lifelong to participate at most community venues or activities (refer to the eligibility information provided above).
I am a: (tick one of the following):
Health professional or disability service provider contact details

Health professional or disability service provider declaration and authorisation

I confirm that my signature below verifies that:
✓ I have read all the information in this form and verify that it is correct to the best of my knowledge;
✓ I have read and understand the Companion Card eligibility criteria;
✓ the cardholder has a permanent disability and will always require (or is likely to require);
✓ significant attendant care support to participate at most community venues and activities;
✓ I have signed the back of both photographs to verify that each photograph is of the cardholder;
✓ I consent to the Office of Disability or its authorised agent/s contacting me to verify the information provided on this form or to obtain further information regarding the cardholder’s ongoing Companion Card eligibility; and
✓ I am not the cardholder or an immediate family member of the cardholder.

Attach 2 passport-sized photographs, signed on the back according to instructions above.

Max. file size: 256 MB.
Max. file size: 256 MB.
Max. file size: 256 MB.
Max. file size: 256 MB.