How to apply for NT Companion Card
Note: this application is for NT Companion Card only. For other states and territories, see the Department of Social Services website by clicking here.
Step 1
Apply by filling the online application form at the bottom of this page.
Alternatively, you can fill in and print a PDF version by clicking this Companion Card application form link.
You can either:
- contact your disability coordinator, allied health professional or aged card coordinator who can help you fill in the form
- or fill in the Companion Card application form with the help of a health professional such as your doctor.
Step 2
Get two colour, passport-sized photographs of yourself.
These must be signed on the back by the same person who completes section four of the Companion Card application.
Example passport-sized photographs:
Step 3
Submit your application form by clicking the “Submit” button after completing the form below. If filling the PDF version, complete the PDF form then send it and the photographs by mail to:
NT Companion Card Program
Integrated disAbility Action
PO Box 645, Nightcliff NT 0814
You may be asked to submit medical information about your disability to support your Companion Card application.
Declined applications
Your Companion Card application might be declined if any of the following apply:
- you have a temporary impairment
- you do not need lifelong attendant care support to access the community
- the lifelong need for care and support in the community can’t be determined
- you can’t access a particular venue
- you choose to have a companion for social company or reassurance
- you experience infrequent or unexpected events such as allergic reactions, falls or medical emergencies
- you can use available aids, equipment or alternative strategies to access a venue or activity.
If your application for a Companion Card is declined, you can request a review by calling IdA on 08 8948 5400 or email
You may need to submit more information to support your application.