What is the Companion Card?

If you have a disability and need a lifelong attendant care support to access the community, as an NT resident, you may be eligible for a Northern Territory (NT) Companion Card.

The card allows your chosen companion or carer to go with you to participating entertainment, recreation venues and activities without paying for a ticket for your carer.

The Companion Card Program currently operates in every state across Australia, so the card can be used when on holiday in other states.

Please note that this information is for those applying for a Northern Territory Companion Card. If you live in another state or territory, please apply through that state or territory website. The website links for your location can be found through the Department of Social Services by clicking here.

The program aims to:

  • Promote the existing right of people with a disability to fair ticketing
  • Assist businesses and organisations to comply with existing legislation
  • Provide a simple and consistent method of identifying people who legitimately require attendant care support to participate at venues and activities